
How to host an Easter egg hunt at home

Not all Easter traditions can be observed during lockdown but fortunately you can still enjoy an Easter egg hunt in the comfort of your own home. It’s a fun way to entertain and bond with your children over the Easter holidays and the rewards are sweet.

Here’s what you will need to host an Easter egg hunt at home:

The treats

There are a wide variety of chocolate goodies available, from marshmallow egg strips you can cut into individual packets and hollow chocolate eggs to little packets of speckled eggs and, of course, the masterpiece – the chocolate Easter bunny that comes in different sizes. It’s up to you to decide on the quantity you would like to lay out for the hunt, but try not to overdo it and to spread out the treats over a few days – too much sugar is not good for children. Of course, with this year being a little different to others, you might not have been able to get your hands on Easter eggs at all. Don’t worry, you can also use any sweets or chocolates, or if you can’t get to the store, get creative at home by painting egg-shaped rocks or hard-boiled eggs to make them look pretty and festive – your kids will still have fun hunting for all their treasure.

The equipment
• You will need either little baskets or buckets, paper bags or recycle some of your plastic grocery bags for the little ones to keep all the treats they find during the hunt.
• If you are going to use the hollow eggs that come in six-packs, use foil to wrap them individually so that you can hide more treats for your kids to find, and keep the Easter egg hunt fun going for longer. That way you will protect the chocolate eggs from melting or breaking.

The venue
• For an indoor hunt, identify the area in which you will host the hunt, for example the bedrooms or the lounge area. Or use the entire house! Hide the treats in easy-to-find as well as hard-to-find spots. (Remember to make notes of the spots where you’ve hidden the treats.)
• For a garden hunt, mark out the area where the hunt will take place with a “start” and “stop” sign. Hide the treats in flower beds and behind shrubs, trees or other objects in the garden. Don’t hide them in places where they will be exposed to direct sunlight or they are likely to melt.

The rules
It’s a good idea to set out the amount of treats each child is allowed to find or to write their names on the treats, so that everyone gets a chance to find something. Once a child has collected their treats, encourage them to help others search – a great opportunity to instil team work and a reminder that sharing is caring!

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Images: Freepik