
The Lion King comes to Ackermans

One of Disney’s most loved stories The Lion King, has been wonderfully remade from animation to live action. The movie  continues to tell the same heart-warming story we love, of a lion cub named Simba, his amazing friends and family.


Ackermans is joining in on the epic story with Ackermans Live, a brand new augmented reality app that will bring Lion King characters to life, when you hover over them using the app.
To bring on the fun, visit the Ackermans website here, click on the Lion King Banner and it will automatically take you to your app store. From the app store, download the app and get ready meet the king of the jungle!


Once you’ve installed the app, visit your nearest Ackermans store to see what happens when you hover over the Lion King window decal. Venture further in store to find Lion King tees and vests and be amazed when the characters come to life.


Save photos from the app to your phone and share them with all your friends on Facebook using #ACKERMANSLIONKING.


The fun doesn’t have to end online! Print and scan your favourite Lion King images so that the pics are yours to keep.

Obsessed with Disney characters? Search online for our range of fun kiddies characters here, before going out to buy them from your nearest store.