
10 Ways to earn extra cash

When you have kids, you can always do with some extra cash in hand. Try these ideas.

Make your hobby pay

Do you have a skill that could make you some extra money? If you’re good at sewing, for example, you could bring in quite a bit by altering and mending clothes.

Cater for corporates

Make sandwiches, muffins and soup to sell at corporate offices during lunch and tea times – do first get permission from the businesses to sell on their premises. You could then branch out by selling assorted platters on order. It’s a good idea to ask for a 50% deposit to cover food costs.

Monitor exams

Some high schools and colleges find themselves short of invigilators at exam time. Ask your local schools and institutions and you could earn extra cash for a few hours of work.

Get paid for your opinion

Join an online or mobile survey marketing research group. However, make sure it’s not a scam and don’t register with any website that asks for payment. Most companies will email you when they need you to complete a particular survey. Search for marketing research groups online or watch your newspapers.

Get an agent

Being an extra in a film, advert or music video can be an easy occasional source of extra income. A good agent can connect you with production companies looking for extras – and you don’t have to be a professional actress or model.

Become a direct seller

Sell make-up, toiletries, lingerie, kitchenware or costume jewellery part time. You’ll need to buy a start-up kit, but most companies will help and guide you. After that, it’s up to you to get in the orders by telling people about your business wherever you are and perhaps having selling parties at your home.

Grow your own herbs

Do you have green fingers? Plant herbs and vegetables at home and sell them privately. Basil, rosemary, parsley, thyme, carrots and spinach are all easy to grow.

Offer to iron

Lots of people would gladly pay to get their ironing done and an ironing and/or laundry service can be a surprisingly good money spinner.

Start a recycling project

To make extra money while reducing your carbon footprint, start a recycling scheme in your area.

Sell unwanted goods

Turn unused household goods into cash. Hold a garage or car boot sale or advertise on online sites such as or

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